Ask "Bob" #1
Ask “Bob” As channeled to Nathaniel Hellerstein During my many years of giving advice, I have noticed that troubled souls show a strange blindness to the shortcomings of the gurus, sages, preachers, messiahs, etc., to whom they attach themselves. It is as if they think they deserve guidance only from people even more messed up than they are. However comic this may be for the guided, it has tragic implications for the guides; for who, indeed, shall counsel the counselors? If a Teacher can teach all those, and only those, who cannot teach themselves, then the Teacher can teach himself just as much as he cannot. Who, then, saves the savior? That is why I, J. R. “Bob” Dobbs, have started this Advice Column for Advice Columnists - and their long-suffering families. I inaugurate it with letters I recently received from the parents of two prominent religionists. Taken separately these letters are moving; taken t...